means that something is in the process of happening. Comparable to adding -ing to a verb in English
つつある” is not only about an on-going event but can also be used for something imminent and certain to happen
How to make/作り方
Verb-ますstem + つつある
example sentences/例文 (audio/音声付き)
ima no nihon dewa shuushinkoyou ya nenkoujoretsu to iu koyoukankou ga kuzuretsutsu aru
In today’s Japan, hiring practices like life-time employment and age-based ranking are tending to break down。
Kare wa moubenkyou shita no de kyuugeki ni shinpo shitsustu aru
Since he has worked very hard, he is making rapid progress.
Watashi no nihongo wa hibi yoku naritsustu aru
My Japanese is growing stronger each day.
Keep up with your studies!
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