JLPT N3 Level Online actual Lesson part 10 日本語能力試験N3級オンライン講座 part 10
Lesson 10 Movie Listening practice script 質問:留守番電話のメッセージを聞いています。パ...
This website for your JLPT,Japanese proficiency test! 日本語能力試験対策
JLPT N3 Grammer
Lesson 10 Movie Listening practice script 質問:留守番電話のメッセージを聞いています。パ...
Lesson 8 Movie Listening practice script 質問:男の人と女の人が話しています。男の人はどの...
Lesson 7 Movie Listening practice script 質問.男の人がプレゼンテーションをしています。 ...
Lesson 6 Movie Listening practice script 質問:男の人と女の人が話しています。2人は佐藤さ...
Lesson 4 Movie Listening practice script 質問:男の人はどのような髪型にしますか? 女:...
Lesson1 Movie Listening practice script Please see it in the movi...
Meaning/意味 depending on,as soon as (adsbygoogle = windo...
Meaning/意味 at, in, as for,during It is a compound particle used to...
Meaning/意味 difficult to,hard to, very difficult to do something ~に...
Meaning/意味 together with,along with,at the same time (a...
Meaning/意味 in the middle of,during (adsbygoogle = windo...
Meaning/意味 how…!,what…!,a lot! This is used to place strong emphas...
Meaning/意味 rather than,more than Used to indicate that a certain ...
Meaning/意味 as if, practically (adsbygoogle = window.ad...
Meaning/意味 rarely (with neg. verb),seldom (adsbygoogle ...
Meaning/意味 no matter how (much/hard), at the ...est, even... ...
Meaning/意味 completely, finish the whole… (adsbygoogle = w...
Meaning/意味 it doesn’t matter if… (adsbygoogle = window....
Meaning/意味 for, aimed at... (adsbygoogle = window.adsby...
Meaning/意味 covered all over in, full of, infested with ...
Meaning/意味 Just as ,As described by... (adsbygoogle = w...
Meaning/意味 just (now, at the moment), as soon as (adsby...
Meaning/意味 seems like, feels so,tending to... (adsbygoo...
Meaning/意味 from the standpoint of ,from the point of view of... ...
Meaning/意味 no matter how (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoo...
Meaning/意味 for,considering it’s (something or someone) ...
Meaning/意味 along with,as,with (adsbygoogle = window.adsby...
Meaning/意味 by any chance,to describe speakers guess (adsb...
Meaning/意味 to be satisfied,to be pleased with, to suit 好き=like...
Meaning/意味 You can use ~の結果 when you want to say “as a result of; ...
Meaning/意味 one’s own convenience; one’s way; selfishness,without ○○...
Meaning to compare A with.... How to make/作り方 N + と比べて example s...
Meaning/意味 with the exception of; excepting How to make/作り方 Nou...
Meaning/意味 per、each How to make/作り方 Noun + につき example sentences...
Meaning if; in the case; in the event of This is often used in...
~はずです supposed to be (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ||...