JLPT exam 1000 questions leaderboard/日本語能力試験対策アプリ紹介
This is a JLPT game to answer within 20 seconds. If you don't know, yo...
This website for your JLPT,Japanese proficiency test! 日本語能力試験対策
JLPT N5 Level online lesson
This is a JLPT game to answer within 20 seconds. If you don't know, yo...
Lesson 10 Movie Listening practice script 男:サムライ学校は何番ですか? 女:メモの用...
Lesson 9 Movie Listening practice script 男:明日は日本語能力試験ですね。昨日はどのくらい...
Lesson 8 Movie Listening practice script 女:今日はどこに行くの? 男:大学に行って、本...
Lesson 7Movie Listening practice script 女:先生、テストには教科書のどこからどこまでがでま...
Lesson 6 Movie Listening practice script 男:みかんとイチゴを買って来てよ。 女:イチゴ...
Lesson 5 Movie Listening practice script 女:今日はおかしな天気だったな。 朝は雨でお昼...
Lesson 4 Movie Listening practice script お父さんと女の子が話しています。女の子は何を買い...
App movie JLPT quiz millionaire game for Android is now on ready. ...
Lesson 1 Movie Listening practice script 男:サムライ学校は何番ですか? 女:メモの用意...
Lesson20:~なさい ~nasai/Do something(instruction) (adsbygoogl...
Lesson19:~やすい ~yasui/easy to do something (adsbygoogle = w...
Lesson18:~てほしい (~te hosii)/I want (person) to do somethings ...
Lesson17:~てもいいです ~te mo ii desu/You can do… or You may do ...
Lesson16:~てください ~te kudasai/to make polite request to another person, ...
Lesson15~てから ~te kara/after doing something (adsbygoogle =...
Lesson14:~ている ~teiru/Meaning: an action in progress, verbs that descri...
Lesson13:~たことがある ~ta koto ga aru/to have/has the experience of... ...
Lesson12:~ましょうか ~mashouka/Shall I/ We do something..,suggestions. ...
Lesson11:~ましょう ~mashou/Let’s do something. (adsbygoogle = wi...
Lesson10:~ませんか ~masen ka/Won’t you – , How about – , Wouldn’t you -, I...
Lesson9:~まえに ~mae ni/before doing something (adsbygoogle =...
Lesson8:まだ~ていません mada ~te imasen/have not….yet (adsbygoogl...
Lesson7:AやB A ya B並立を表す。"Ya" suggest that the things referred to are p...
Lesson6:AのほうがBより~/A no houga B yori (property)/A is more (property) th...
Lesson5:~のなかでAがいちばん~ (~ no naka de A ga ichiban ~)/(Class of items)no ...
Lesson4:(reason) から, (situation)/(reason) kara, (situation) /Because (...
Lesson3:かもしれない (kamoshirenai) maybe (adsbygoogle = window....
Lesson2:あげる/くれる/もらう(ageru/kureru/morau) to give,someone gives me,I rec...
Lesson1:I want something /ほしい(hoshii) (adsbygoogle = windo...