やむをえず yamuoezu
How to make”やむをえず ….” in Japanese.
- ・ Meaning: unavoidable, no other way to do something 仕方がないので
- ・ JLPT Level: 2 日本語能力試験N2級レベル
- ・ Category: grammar 文法
You can use やむをえず when you want to say “unavoidable..”.
The patterns is below:
やむをえず + sentence
例文:Examples of sentence (with audio)
私は病気でやむをえず出発を延期した。Watashi wa byoki de yamuwoezu shuppatsu wo enki shita.
I was compelled to put off our departure.parture due to my sick.
タイヤがパンクしたので、やむをえず電車で通勤しなければならない。 Taiya ga panku shita nonode, yamuwowzu densha de tsuukin shinakereba naranai.
The wheels of the car became flat so I have to commute by train.
やむを得ず雨天で試合が中止になった。 yamuwoezu uten de shiai ga chushi ni natta.
regretfully game had to be cancelled due to bad weather.
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