で de
How to make”で..” in Japanese.
- ・ Meaning: 助詞 (動作の起こる場所、動作や作用の行われる時や場所/動作の手段など)
- at, in, on (place) <indicate where the event described by the verb takes place> ※There is another means also. で is used for means, way . for example I eat with fork. fork de tabemasu. I go by bus. Bus de ikimasu.
- ・ JLPT Level: N5 日本語能力試験N5級レベル
- ・ Category: grammar 文法
You can use で when you want to say “at, in, on (place).”.
The patterns is below:
(place) de
at, in, on (place)
This means “at” or “in”, and is used when specifying where something happens.
例文:Examples of sentence (with audio)
家で食べます。Ie de tabemasu.
I eat at home
ケンは学校ですう学をべんきょうします。 Ken wa gakkou de sugaku wo benkyo shimasu.
Ken studies math at school.and is used when specifying where something happens.
来年日本で仕事をします。Rainen nihon de shigoto wo shimasu.
I will work in Japan next year.
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