どうぞよろしく | douzoyoroshiku | どうぞ宜しく | pleased to meet you |
どきどき | dokidoki | beat fast/ | |
どっと | doto | suddenly( at once) | |
どんどん | dondon | rapidly/steadily | |
なぜなら | nazenara | 何故なら | because |
なんでも | nandemo | 何でも | everything |
なんとか | nantoka | 何とか | somehow |
なんとなく | nantonaku | 何となく | somehow |
なんとも | nantomo | 何とも | nothing |
にっこり | nikkori | smile sweetly | |
のろのろ | noronoro | slowly/sluggishly | |
のんき | nonki | 呑気 | easy/carefree/optimistic |
のんびり | nonbiri | at leisure | |
はきはき | hakihaki | lucidly | |
はたして | hatashite | 果たして | as one thought |
はっきり | hakkiri | clearly | |
ばったり | battari | suddenly(by chance) | |
ひとまず | hitomazu | 一まず | for the time being |
ひとりでに | hitorideni | 一人でに | by itself |
ぴかぴか | pikapika | glitter/sparkle | |
ぴったり | pittari | exactly/match/suits | |
ぶつぶつ | butsubutsu | grumbling | |
まあ | maa | you might say | |
まあまあ | maamaa | so so | |
まごまご | magomago | confused/be embarrassed/ | |
まさか | masaka | Nonsense!/ Thats impossible./ Well, I never!/ | |
まもなく | mamonaku | 間もなく | soon |
めっきり | mekkiri | remarkably | |
めったに | mettani | 滅多に | rarely /seldom |
もしかしたら | moshikashitara | by any chance | |
もしかすると | moshikasuruto | by some chance | |
もしも | moshimo | if | |
もっと | moto | more | |
もっとも | mottomo | 最も | most/extremely |
やっと | yato | finally/at last | |
やっぱり | yappari | as I thought | |
やむをえない | yamuwoenai | 止むを得ない | unavoidable |
ゆいいつ | yuiitsu | 唯一 | the only |
ゆっくり | yukkuri | slowly | |
ようするに | yousuruni | 要するに | in short |
よく | yoku | often | |
よると | yoruto | according to | |
わりあいに | wariaini | 割合に | comparatively |
Level 2 Grammar | |||
Vたばかり | ta bakari | has just done something | |
Vようになる | youni naru | become to | |
Vことになる | koto ni naru | It has been decided | |
Vことにする | koto ni suru | decide to do | |
とてもーない | totemo-nai | can not possibly | |
らしい | rahii | it seems that | |
て初めて | te hajimete | the first time after V | |
Vないで | naide | without V | |
Vばいいのに | ba iino ni | You should | |
なかなかーない | nakanaka-nai | can not do easily | |
しかーない | shika-nai | only | |
わけです | wake desu | That is to say | |
によって | ni yotte | depending on | |
にあたる | ni ataru | correspond to | |
のようなN | no youna | N like- | |
ーばーほど | ba-hodo | the more, the more | |
以外の | igai no | besides | |
というわけではない | toiu wakedewanai | it does not mean | |
Nばかり | bakari | nothing but | |
なるべく | narubeku | if possible | |
Vべき | beki | should | |
別にーない | betsuni-nai | not particularly | |
たしか | tashika | if I remember correctly | |
XはYで有名 | X waY de yuumei | X is famous for Y | |
Nにする | ni suru | decide on | |
Nのように | no youni | as if it were | |
さえ | sae | even | |
いつのまにか | itsunomanika | before one realizes | |
になれる | ni nareru | be used to | |
わけではない | wake dewanai | it does not mean | |
Vないで済む | naide-sumu | gets by without doing V | |
以上 | ijou | more than | |
に気がつく | ni kigatsuku | notice | |
せっかく | sekkaku | with much trouble | |
わけにはいかない | wakeniwa ikanai | can not do for social reason | |
ないわけにはいかない | naiwakeni waikanai | can not help but | |
Vた上で | ta ue de | after V | |
Vために | tane ni | in order to | |
ても | temo | even if | |
ず | zu | without V | |
によると | ni yoruto | according to | |
代わり | kawari | instead | |
いったんーば | ittan-ba | once you do | |
Nでいいです | de ii desu | N will do | |
とは限らない | towa kagiranai | it does not mean | |
ではないだろうか | dewanaidarou ka | I think it might be the case | |
むしろ | mushiro | rather | |
ようにする | youni suru | make an effort to | |
始める | hajimeru | begin V | |
Questionても | temo | no matter what etc | |
を始め | wo hajime | starting with | |
的 | teki | type/-ic/ical | |
何といっても | nan to ittemo | undeniably | |
XはYくらいです | X wa Y kurai | Y is about the only X | |
やっぱり | yappari | as I thought | |
ーさえーば | エラー:508 | if only you | |
はず | hazu | supposed/expected | |
として | to shite | as | |
Xより仕方がない | X yori shikata ga nai | have no choice but to | |
せめて | semete | at least | |
ように | youni | so that | |
こそ | koso | (emphasize phrase or noun) | |
Xと言っても | X to itte mo | Although I said X,Y | |
ほど | hodo | (to the extent ) | |
XはYに限る | X wa Y ni kagiru | As for X, Y is the best thing to do | |
まま | mama | as it is | |
ものですから | mono desu kara | because( feel sorry) | |
うちに | uchini | while | |
ないうちに | nai uchini | before something happen | |
Xが気になる | ga kininaru | be concerned about | |
どうしても | doushitemo | no matter what | |
つい | tsui | carelessly | |
に気をつける | ni kiwotsukeru | be careful of | |
わざわざ | wazawaza | take the trouble or time to | |
Vとしたら | to shitara | When I was about to | |
X、Yくらい | kurai | X, to the extent Y | |
Vたものだ | ta monoda | used to V | |
Vたて | tate | something was just done | |
ろくにーない | rokuni-nai | not much or enough | |
せいか | seika | perhaps because | |
ぐらい | gurai | (N is minimum level) | |
に越したことはない | ni koshitakotowa nai | nothing can be better than | |
思うように | omouyouni | as I wish | |
がち | gachi | tend to | |
よっぽど | yoppodo | considerably | |
に違いない | ni chigainai | must be | |
さすがに | sasuga ni | indeed | |
ものの | monono | Although | |
一方では | ippou dewa | on the other hand | |
せいぜい | seizei | at most | |
それにしても | sorenishitemo | even so | |
限り | kagiri | as far as | |
かえって | kaette | on the contrary | |
NにはNのーがある | N niwa N no – ga aru | N has its own | |
くせに | kuse ni | altought(displeasure) | |
っぽい | ppoi | something looks like | |
Nに関する | ni kansuru | concering | |
XとともにY | to tomoni | along with | |
XをYにまかせる | x wo Y ni makaseru | to leave X to Y | |
XたびY | tabi | whenever | |
ような気がする | youna kigasuru | have a feeling | |
がる | garu | someone show the sign of feeling | |
に基づく | ni motozuku | be besed on | |
あり得る | arieru | possible |
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