【N2】~がてら /~gatera

がてら gatera

 How to make”がてら.” in Japanese.

    • ・ Meaning: A while B,AとBを一緒にする。
    • ・ JLPT Level: 2 日本語能力試験N2級レベル
    • ・ Category: grammar 文法

You can use がてら  when you want to say “A while B. …”.

The patterns is below:

動詞stem +がてら

Used to express getting one thing accomplished while doing a second thing. 

例文:Examples of sentence (with audio)

Since I took a walk. I stopped at a convinience store.

I bought different kinds of souvenirs while on a trip.

While seeing the museum, I plan to also use that time to buy souvenirs.

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