イケメンは正義、ブサイクは悪。 いけめんはせいぎ、ぶさいくはあく。 ikemen wa seig,i Busaiku wa aku.

ikemen wa seig,i Busaiku wa aku.

What does  ikemen mean?

In English, this means handsome or good looking guy,cool man.

Ikemen comes from Japanese ikeru, iketeru, “cool”, “good”, “exciting” and either men (メン), from English “men” or “men’s” (menzu), or men (面) “face”.

ikemen= iketeru + men
iketeru = cool, alpha pup
men is men (English)

Let’s see some examples

ikemen wa seig,i Busaiku wa aku.
English:Being cool makes you justice, being ugly makes you evil.

Watashi wa ikemen to tsukiaitai desu.

English: I want to date with a good looking guy.

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