

Today I will introduce very useful Japanese slang “パシリ(pashiri)”.

First let’s take a look at the meaning of  “パシリ(pashiri)”.

What Does Pashiri Mean?

“パシリ(pashiri)” means in English..

to make do errands; to set to scutwork

person who is made to do things or go get things for someone else, person who runs errands, gofer etc.

パシリ comes from 使いっ走り (Tsukai ppashiri) . the last letter of 使いっ走り (Tsukai pashiri) is the pashiri.


Let’s see some examples:

パシリに行って来い(ぱしりにいってこい) pashiri ni itte koi.
Go for buy something for me!

お前は俺のパシリだ!(おまえはおれのぱしりだ) omae wa ore no pashiri da.
You are my errand man.

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