女子力(じょしりょく) Joshiryoku


My girl friend is not feminine. ( has no girl’s power).

Today I will introduce very useful Japanese word 女子力(じょしりょく) Joshiryoku.

What Does Joshiryoku Mean?

 It seems a counterpart of the word “girl’s power” in the English speaking world, which means girls’ empowerment, ambition, or strength. 

If people say you have a Joshi-ryoku,which means you are very feminine, good-cooking,like to clean house,well-make up etc very girly.


The word “Joshi-ryoku” came into use in this social situation.  It means the ability that women must learn in any age.  

Let’s see some examples

女子力高い。Joshiryoku takai  (high-level girl power)!

女子力ないね。 You don’t have girl power. ( you are like man)


If woman are called 女子力ないね。, which means she always acts like man.

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