This is a lesson app for「JLPT N1-N5 LEVEL VIDEO LESSON」.

You may rise your score before the language examination using this application.

There are 10 sections, which are listening, reading, and grammar chapter.
from section 1 to 3 are free. from section 4 to 10 are paid.

①Firstable, Please open the JLPT  LEVEL VIDEO LESSON app.

②You can choose the Video Lesson.

Download free!

Sample images here

sample movie

Free Download (※ Currently available at Udemy course)

■ios JLPT N1 course 

■ios JLPT N2 course 

■Android JLPT N2 course

■ios JLPT N3 course 

■Android JLPT N3 course 

■ios JLPT N4 course

■Android JLPT N4 course

■ios JLPT N5 course

■Android JLPT N5 course

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