~なり~なり ~nari~nari
How to make”~なり~なり.” in Japanese.
- ・ Meaning:~でも~でも,either…. or….
- ・ JLPT Level: 1 日本語能力試験N1級レベル
- ・ Category: grammar,文法
You can use ~なり~なり when you want to say”either…. or…. .”.
The patterns is below:
名詞+なり、名詞+なり 動詞辞書形+なり、 動詞辞書形+なり
例文:Examples of sentence (with audio)
Either hamburger or sushi , please feel free to eat whatever you like.
Either Japanese or Chinese, I kind want to master a foreign language.
コーヒーなりお茶なり、お好きなものをどうぞ 。
Coffee.. Tea.. have whatever you like
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