~のがへたです ~noga heta desu
How to make”~のがへたです..” in Japanese.
- ・ Meaning:be poor at (dictionary form)
- ・ JLPT Level: N5 日本語能力試験N5級レベル
- ・ Category: grammar 文法
You can use ~のがへたです when you want to say “be poor at (dictionary form).”
The patterns is below:
Verb dictionary form + noga heta desu.
be poor at (dictionary form) , be not good at (dictionary form)
It means to be bad at something..
例文:Examples of sentence (with audio)
メアリーは英語を話すのが下手です。Mary wa eigo o hanasu noga heta desu.
Mary is poor at speaking English
メアリーは料理をするのが下手です。Mary wa ryori i suru noga heta desu .
Mary is not good at cooking
私は踊るのがへたです。Watashi wa odoru noga heta desu.
I’m bad at dancing.
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