~ほうがいい ~houga ii
How to make”~ほうがいい..” in Japanese.
- ・ Meaning: it is better to do
- ・ JLPT Level: N4 日本語能力試験N5級レベル
- ・ Category: grammar 文法
You can use ~ほうがいい when you want to say “You had better…. .”
The patterns is below:
verb ta-form + houga ii
verb nai -form + houga ii
You had better.. , You had better not to..
It means “it’s better” or “it would be better”, it may be also used to say that something should (or shouldn’t) be done.
例文:Examples of sentence (with audio)
もっと勉強したほうがいいですよ。motto benkyo shita houga ii desu yo.
You had better study more
レッスンを休まないほうがいいですよ。Lesson o yasumanai houga ii desu yo .
You had better not skip class
あなたはあのケーキを食べないほうがいい。Anata wa ano cake wo tabenai hou ga ii.
You shouldn’t eat that cake.
Keep up with your studies!