because, as expected (used for positive things)
This grammar needs a cause and effect.
“cause dakeatte effect”
How to make/作り方
Noun + だけあって
Verb-casual + だけあって
いadj + だけあって
なadj + なだけあって
example sentences/例文 (audio/音声付き)
kare wa Judo no senshu dake atte, taikaku ga ii.
Since he’s a Judo player, he’s muscular.
Sasuga hyouban no ryokan dake atte、ryouri mo saabisu mo subarashi katta.
That Ryokan has a good reputation, and as expected the food and service was great.
kare wa america no gakkou wo detadakeatte,eigo ga jouzu desu.
As expected of a man who went to school in USA, he speaks English well.
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