At the time of A (which starts now)..; On the occasion of A
How to make/作り方
Noun + にあたって(は)/にあたり
Verb-dictionary form + にあたって(は)/にあたり
example sentences/例文 (audio/音声付き)
Yuujin wo erabu ni atatte wa ikura chuui shitemo shisugiu koto wa nai
You cannot be too careful in choosing your friends.
Shiken wo ukeru ni atari,kanarazu enpitsu, keshigomu,tokei wo mottekinasai
Shiken wo ukeru ni atari,kanarazu enpitsu, keshigomu,tokei wo mottekinasai
When you take the exam be sure to bring a pencil, eraser and watch.
manshon wo kau ni atatte, watashi domo wa iroiro chousa wo shimashita.
We investigated a lot when we bought an apartment.
manshon wo kau ni atatte, watashi domo wa iroiro chousa wo shimashita.
We investigated a lot when we bought an apartment.
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