

particle denoting uncertainty or a listing used for both words and clauses 

How to make/作り方

Noun + やら + Noun
Verb-dictionary form + やら + Verb-dictionary form + やら
いadj + やら + いadj

example sentences/例文 (audio/音声付き)

Gkusei wa shukudai yara arubaito yara de isogashii.
Students are quite busy with things like homework and part time jobs.

Ryokou wo shiteiru toki wa ureshii yara tanoshii yara, totemo ii kibun da.
When I go travelling I feel very happy and have a lot of fun. It really is a great feeling!

baggu ni wa pasokon yara nooto yara kyoukasho yara ga haitteiru.
In my bag, I have things like my laptop, my notebook, textbook, etc.

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