What does ご容赦ください(Goyousha kudasai)mean
Movie Update soon ご容赦ください(Goyousha kudasai) This means "I apologize...
Movie Update soon ご容赦ください(Goyousha kudasai) This means "I apologize...
Movie Update soon ご教示願います(Gokyoji negaimasu) The meaning of "Gokyoj...
Movie Update soon 光栄に存じる (kouei ni zonjiru) Literally means “to thi...
Movie Update soon お言葉に甘えて(Okotoba ni amaete) Okotoba ni amaete the...
Movie Update soon 冥利に尽きる (Myori ni tsukiru) “Myori” is derived from...
Movie Update soon ご無沙汰しております(Gobusatashiteorimasu) This means 「lon...
Movie update later Osewaninarimasu./お世話になります "Osewaninarimasu." m...
Lesson 1 Movie Listening practice script 男の人と女の人が話しています。女の人は何を持って...
Lesson 1 Movie Listening practice script 男の人と女の人が話しています。 女の人はどうし...
Lesson1 Movie Listening practice script Please see it in the movi...
Lesson1 Movie Listening practice script 教室で先生が話しています。生徒は何を出しますか? ...
Lesson 1 Movie Listening practice script 男:サムライ学校は何番ですか? 女:メモの用意...
Just listen to learn! Vocabularies 11課 STEP 1 います /there is ...
Just listen to learn! Vocabularies 1課 STEP 1 私 I 私達 We/us 貴方 y...
This is a lesson app for「JLPT N1-N5 LEVEL VIDEO LESSON」. You may ...
Meaning/意味 Xの至り great(est) X, the height of X How to make/作り方 Nou...
Meaning/意味 Without really planning to, to do something without thin...
Meaning/意味 to have a limit, to go too far (adsbygoogle = ...
Meaning/意味 if you ask...; if one may say... (adsbygoogle ...
Meaning/意味 Not A, Probably not A (adsbygoogle = window.ad...
Meaning/意味 Even,just (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle |...
Meaning/意味 according to,as compared to [with],in the context of ...
Meaning/意味 behaving like…,Acts like A, pretends as if A (...
Meaning/意味 the utmost (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ...
Meaning/意味 to the utmost, definitely, extremely, to the nth degree,...
Meaning/意味 to look like (something/one) (adsbygoogle = wi...
Meaning/意味 together (with), -wide (adsbygoogle = window.a...
Meaning/意味 the instance,the moment (adsbygoogle = window....
Meaning/意味 since, because (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoog...
Meaning/意味 ~という結果になる(result in, end up ~ing, wind up ~ing) (somethi...
Meaning/意味 only; because of that ,even; in (time) (adsbyg...
Meaning/意味 Not only A (but also ...) (adsbygoogle = windo...
Meaning/意味 regardless of、despite (adsbygoogle = window.ad...
Meaning/意味 when (for a special occasion),whenever there is an occas...
Meaning/意味 If A happens, it's over (nothing will be of use) ...
Meaning/意味 leaving aside, aside from (adsbygoogle = win...